Punishment giver
This will give a punishment to whoever does it. For this you will need the person who is punishing you. The punishments are: the spanking wedgie, the immobilized wedgie, embarrassing new outfits, and diaper
The one I personally think is the worst is the embarrassing new outfits the reason is that i am a guy and that involves super gluing fake female breasts to myself and ware either a ballet dress, cheerleader suit, or a leotard. The second worst is probably diaper the reason is that you have to ware a diaper noticeably for 1 year. The third worst is probably wedgie spanking for that one you have to ware a bra, and a wig which I would hate and you can’t move arms or legs, you are in a atomic wedgie, you don’t have pants, you have permanent marker on your but cheeks as well. The one I would prefer is probably immobilized wedgie even tho I can’t move at all for that one you have to be covered in tape while in a atomic wedgie for a week which is terrible but still better then others.