Which Punishment Would Help Curb Your Sins?

Which of the seven deadly sins do you struggle the most with? This will help you decide which ones you should do better at and work on to be more virtuous.

This quiz also assigns you a punishment. It isn't required, but the punishment will help you on your road to being a good person, so I highly recommend completing it, spankings and all.

Created by: Itsame
  1. 0-6, how would you rate your lust?
  2. 0-6, how would you rate your gluttony?
  3. 0-6, how would you rate your greed?
  4. 0-6, how would you rate your sloth?
  5. 0-6, how would you rate your pride?
  6. 0-6, how would you rate your envy?
  7. 0-6, how would you rate your wrath?
  8. 0-4, how would you rate your chastity?
  9. 0-4, how would you rate your temperence?
  10. 0-4, how would you rate your charity?
  11. 0-4, how would you rate your diligence?
  12. 0-4, how would you rate your humility?
  13. 0-4, how would you rate your kindness?
  14. 0-4, how would you rate your patience?

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Quiz topic: Which Punishment Would Help Curb my Sins?
