What embarrassing Job would you have?

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If you're curious to know what kind of disgusting or embarrassing job you would have, then this is the right test for you, I have worked endlessly searching the web for the worst jobs out there and you'd be surprised.

Hey and if you take this quiz you get to see a picture of a really really ridiculously good looking dude so it's totally worth it. (I didn't know what to put for the pictures since some of the jobs are little bit much)

Created by: Jolene
  1. Which one of these do you prefer most?
  2. Do you like the night, day or noon/evening
  3. Are your more social, introverted, ambi/omniverted
  4. Would you rather try a really gross food or touch something really gross
  5. What are you're thoughts on smells/scents/odors i.e: Candles, laundry, perfume in general.
  6. On a scale of 1-10 how lazy would you say you are?
  7. Are you scared of the dark
  8. how do you feel about closeness and/or intimacy
  9. Do you like gore or gross/weird stuff
  10. Okay I don't know if this test is 100% accurate but hey I'll hope ya had fun. okay well slay.

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