Public misbehaving means public spanking !

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So, you misbehaved in public and you thought there will be no consequences ? Well you were very wrong ! So now, you'll get punished and I don't care if someone is watching you !

Humiliation is part of the punishment! And don't forget that a real spanking is given on your bottom and on your thighs ! If you try to escape or to cover your butt ut will last longer so be a big boy / big girl and take your spanking.

Created by: Dannee
  1. How old are you?
  2. What have you done ?
  3. What have you done 2 ?
  4. How angry is the person that will spank you ?
  5. Have you ever been spanked ?
  6. When was your last punishment
  7. Was it a spanking?
  8. Is this your first public spanking ?
  9. If you said no to the last one, were you bare bottomed ?
  10. Are you usually well behaved ?
  11. A last word to say ?

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