Which Hall Are You?

Hello everyone! Hopefully this quiz isn't actually public, but in case it is, oops! I have been extremely bored as of late and decided to create my own version of Hogwarts. A little cheesy, I know.

I essentially created my own four houses, and based a quiz off of them and the personalities they tend to look for. Sorry again if this is public, haha

Created by: Connie K.
  1. What do you like to do to unwind after a stressful day?
  2. What do you usually do for breakfast?
  3. Which word appeals to you most?
  4. What trait sounds most like what you want in an ideal partner?
  5. What do you fear the most?
  6. Which word resonates with you most?
  7. Which monster do you most like?
  8. Which item would be your lucky charm?
  9. How true is this statement for you: "Home is wherever you need it to be".
  10. How true is this statement for you: "There is nothing dearer than a friend."
  11. How true is this statement for you: "Imagination is what makes us human".
  12. How true is this statement for you: "To know the truth is to know power".
  13. You wake up from a five year long coma. The very first thing you want to do is:
  14. And finally, what animal appeals to you most?
  15. And finally, which object sounds the most appealing?

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Quiz topic: Which Hall am I?
