zoeywithay's Profile
Joined on Mar 9, 2011
Status Level: Newbie
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14-Year Club
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zoeywithay's Recent Posts
"um but i googled it for plagirism and the poem's already been written... so um :P"
"thankyou!! :D *hugs a million times*"
"anything as long as it's not too adult :) thanks!! :D"
"well I kinda need a poem for school but i'm absolutely useless at poetry so would anyone like to be super nice and write me one? :)"
"if you like him and your attracted to him then heck yeah! but if you just think of him as a friend then no, u shouldnt force "
"magical :D"
"my heart feels like that most of the time lol :("
"but a man wrote it!!"
"Race to Witch Mountain Indiana Jones"
"0 :("
"nooooo! Dx lol i love that film :)"
"sames :)"
"i disagree! cuz in The Notebook noah asks ally out and he totally loves her from the first time he sees her but she only love"
"1 & 2 :)"
"reminds me of the p!nk song "leave me alone (i'm lonely)." :) just say to him you feel like that. how come he keeps crying? tell him "
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