Zdddfddddd32's Profile

Joined on Nov 7, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
Zdddfddddd32's Quizzes
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Zdddfddddd32's Recent Posts
"Gn, Emy"
Zdddfddddd32's Recent Quiz Comments
"Lol. What with a site named Murder Me©?"
In response to keleighh:
"I Will Get Murderd!"
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In response to Kimmy love:
"Stop.we r notargueen we r talking K!! !! ö "
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"Your Result: You will die in a nuclear holocaust.
The country responsible will be an unexpected one. I hope that you…"
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"Yesu, howa couldu you date himu/heru when itu iss corona virusu?"
In response to LilacDouble:
"This quiz was Awesome! Not gonna mention my 91%..."
2 -
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In response to mimimoose:
"Also, Asia isn't a country, it's a continent."