Would I Date You?

There's one quiz that I've created that always seems to receive a lot of traffic from the quiz-takers here on Go To Quiz. There's a certain amount of people here that have this urging spike of curiosity on the subject of compatibility. They often ask themselves questions such as, "How would a relationship with said person work out?" and "Do I have a chance with this person?" No, It's not even about romance, simply curiosity.
It's been a few years since I've created a quiz like this, or related to it at all. So I thought, why not update it? Go To Quiz users crave these quizzes for whatever reason, and I know it would gain a fair amount of traffic. Up ahead, you'll answer some questions about yourself, then the results will be revealed. Without further ado, I present to you, the updated version of my "Would I Date You" quiz.