XXAlexXX's Profile

Joined on Nov 1, 2014
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
XXAlexXX's Quizzes
- Finding Hailey(by Alex D.)[published: Mar 03, 2015, 1 comment]
There are many smart people. Just happens so, YOU are one of them. You are a genius. A genius is……
- Are you like me?[published: Jan 24, 2015, 6 comments]
There are many smart people, but few true geniuses, I don't know what a great brain.would do without a person……
XXAlexXX's Recent Posts
"That seems like s good combination"
"Nothing much hbu"
"Nothing much hbu"
"What's up everyone? How's life?"
"Using numbers for words: savage"
"Do you hate me?"
"Nobody came to my thread and I get hate so people are just saying no, it's not a big deal people don't not like you"
"I see random threads like this ALL the time and so many people go to it it its popular and stuff so I just posted something random and o get..."
"What is happening to the world?"
"Why would you post this?"
"I'm good Nope, I added we never talked"
"You can't say you missed me we never really talked-gm56 How are you- the swag"
"You can't say you missed me we never really talked-gm56 How are you- the swag"
"Yeah, I know lol Hello"
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