Are you like me?

There are many smart people, but few true geniuses, I don't know what a great brain.would do without a person like you. Because you are the true, probably one in a million genius.

Erm.. you are just great! No wonder you are on gotoquiz. People on here are here because they are genius. Even if you aren't in in a huge math class, you aced this Quiz.

Created by: XXAlexXX
Personality Test
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is you favorite kind of music
  2. What is your favorite color
  3. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend
  4. Eye color
  5. What grade are you in
  6. Favorite book genre
  7. Favorite Channel
  8. I ran out of questions so... A bit early but did you like This quiz?
  9. Should I make more quizes? Or polls?
  10. Bye!!!

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Quiz topic: Am I like me?