Finding Hailey(by Alex D.)

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There are many smart people. Just happens so, YOU are one of them. You are a genius. A genius is someone who has a crazily smart mind, is able to solve complex models. That is YOU.

Are you a genius? Do you have the brain power to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now yoy could only wonder the things your brain could unlock.

Created by: XXAlexXX
  1. Do you not like your teachers?
  2. Do you turn in your homework on time?
  3. What is your favorite subject
  4. How many friends do you have?
  5. Do you play sports in School?
  6. Do you have a twin
  7. Do you want to find things?
  8. Hailey or Max
  9. :) or ;)
  10. I know this quiz makes no sense...

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