xJakex's Profile
Joined on Feb 10, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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xJakex's Recent Posts
"But the kittens are now in Kitty Heaven, living the dream."
"Exactly. You have done nothing and the kittens are dead. You have helped nobody in this situation. Therefore, there is no need for you to st..."
"But onlookers would not notice the difference. Then they would sent their kittens there to play in the empty field, getting them killed as w..."
"But the flowers are crimson red roses, so it looks as if nothing has changed."
"Sure you can. Think about kittens in an empty field full of flowers."
"Thanks everyone."
"Stress is bad, Jillian."
"zane was tryin to walk n chew gum at the same time its only been like 15 mins but its already swelling and Google is not good"
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