WoF_Deathbringer's Profile

Joined on Aug 24, 2020
Status Level: Junior
WoF_Deathbringer's Quizzes
- The Best Warrior Cat Love Story Part 1[published: Sep 25, 2020, 11 comments]
Hi guys! If you want one with adventure, romance, comedy, prophecies, and more, then this……
- Which Warrior Cat Clan are you in?[published: Sep 20, 2020, 10 comments]
Hello everyone! If you're a big fan of the Warriors series, then you must've wondered what……
- How good of a Warrior Cat would you be?[published: Sep 19, 2020, 6 comments]
Hi guys! Are you a fan of the Warrior Cat series? If so, have you ever wondered what……
- How well do you know me?[published: Sep 18, 2020, 5 comments]
Hey everyone! This is a quiz that is supposed to test you on your knowledge of me. Are you an expert on……
- What is Your Favorite Color?[published: Sep 17, 2020, 12 comments]
What's your favorite color? Is it the strong and sassy red, fun and bubbly orange, joyful and……
- What Book Series would you be in? (HP, WC, or WoF)[published: Sep 16, 2020, 13 comments]
Hi everyone! This quiz is for fans of Harry Potter, Warrior Cats, or Wings of……
- Wings of Fire Love Story Part 1[published: Sep 15, 2020, 24 comments]
Hi, and welcome to Part 1 of my WoF Love Story! These kind of quizzes are common, especially……
- Shout Out Quiz![published: Sep 02, 2020, 9 comments]
I created this Shout Out Quiz to thank all of the GoToQuiz users that I've met on my journey with GoToQuiz. (And……
- Which Wings of Fire tribe are you in?[published: Aug 25, 2020, 10 comments]
Hi everyone! If you are a big Wings of Fire Fan, then you have probably wondered what……
WoF_Deathbringer's Recent Posts
"Thank you! I'm currently working on drawing a pug."
"Looks like the votes are leaning towards "End". If there are no more votes for a while, then it will be ended."
"Sure! Do you have any preferences on what species/plot?"
"If you've been wondering why I haven't been on for two whole days, it's because my parents figured out about GTQ and Discord. I told them so..."
WoF_Deathbringer's Recent Quiz Comments
"Or not..."
In response to CryingClover:
"Sorry for the delay. Part 2 will be out soon!"
1 -
"Wow cool! Thanks for taking my quiz ^^"
In response to Ethel:
"You got all my favorite colors in order!!…"
1 -
"Thanks for taking my quiz! And you got 70% btw."
In response to KidInTheCorner:
"I don't remember what I got but HI! I loved this!"
1 -
"Nice quiz! I got a tie between Earth and Spirit, which really suits me. Good job!"
2 -
"Yeah! I really like it! I like Glory too :3"
In response to Evil Thunder:
"This is a really good quiz! The only problem…"
1 -
"OMG thank you so much :3 You're also a really good friend of mine. =)"
1 -
"No offense, but you literally asked our favorite color at the beginning."
1 reply3 -
In response to WowCrazyInsane:
1 -
"Nice quiz! I haven't read the books, but I've watched some of the movies. I got 50%, which makes sense. Good job!"
3 -
"LOL Really? He's kind of...well I hope you liked my quiz!"
In response to Cats17:
"I got Fangpaw 100%? YAY!!!! its exactly who i…"