Which dragonet of destiny are you?

Are you a Wings of Fire fan? Me too! I created this quiz which will tell you which one of the Dragonets of Destiny you are! The options are Tsunami, Glory, Starflight, Clay, Sunny, or Peril! (Yes, I know Peril isn't a dragonet of destiny, but I like her so I put her in.)

The options are Tsunami, Glory, Starflight, Clay, Sunny, or Peril! (Yes, I know Peril isn't a dragonet of destiny, but I like her so I put her in.) PLEASE don't just click boxes so that you'll get the dragonet you want.

Created by: QueenGlory
  1. Your friend just got called a really mean name!
  2. You're walking around downtown and someone shoves you walking the other way.
  3. You're watching a movie in the theater with your friends, and someone spills their soda on you by accident.
  4. You're taking a math test, and you're on the last question, but you forgot the answer.
  5. Someone's invited you to a party! They wink and say, "Don't worry. I'm pretty sure the cops don't come around my neighborhood anyway."
  6. Your friend asks you who your crush is.
  7. Who do you think should be queen of the Sandwings?
  8. What's your favorite color?
  9. Do you like this quiz?
  10. Haha, I'm just kidding. That one doesn't affect your score.
  11. Ok both of those affect your score.
  12. This is the last question.
  13. Who do you think you're going to be?

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Quiz topic: Which dragonet of destiny am I?
