Can I guess your favorite color quiz

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Hi I'm Spinelpink808063 and I'm the maker of this quiz. I have a job for you. Can you please rate? Ok thanks so adios. But way before you go I want to say hi.

You think I don't know your top color. Oh yeah try this quiz if you think I'm lying go ahead try me. Welp see you soon bye............................

Created by: Spinelpink808063
  1. What is your favorite color
  2. I want to know your favorite color
  3. What's your mood
  4. What are you doing
  5. What are you watching
  6. Are you bored of this quiz
  7. Are you playing Roblox
  8. Are you watching Sailor Moon
  9. Are you watching Ryan's mystery playdate
  10. Are you watching your favorite show

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Quiz topic: Can I guess my favorite color quiz

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