Wizarding_Words's Profile

Joined on Feb 18, 2024
Status Level: Novice
Wizarding_Words's Quizzes
- Who is your HP soulmate? |girls&boys results|[published: Feb 18, 2024, 1 comment]
Just a quick quizz to have fun. Sorry if there is faults in my questions/……
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"Your Result: Hermione Jean Granger
"The Brains", exceptionally intelligent. "50 points for the cool use of intellect when others…"
1 -
"Hermione Granger
You are most like Hermione. You are brave and courageous as well as independent, intelligent, and you excel is…"
4 -
You have a very creative and inspiring personality! You have a unique way of thinking and your aesthetic is probably indie…"
1 -
"I did it twice and I got Luna and Hermione"
1 -
"Red Oak, Unicorn, 13 1/4", Reasonably Supple
Congratulations! You pride yourself on determination, and the Red Oak, Unicorn, 13…"
1 -
"Chestnut and phoenix feather
Your wand has chosen you! Chestnut wood is a strong , reliable and powerful wand wood. Paired with…"
1 -
"Unicorn hair core with oak wood
Your a strong heart that loves plant and is good at a range of talents! You love to help people…"
1 -
Unicorn hair produces the most consistent magic and is least likely to fall to fluctuations and blockages. It is almost…"
1 -
"Silver Lime, 10 7/8 inches, Horned Serpant Horn
"It is curious that you should be destined for this wand when its brother gave you…"
1 -
"Hawthorn, Dragon Heartstring, 14 1/4", Brittle
This core is the most flamboyant of the three, and often produces the strongest and…"