Which Harry Potter character fits your personality best?

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This quiz is what Harry Potter character your personality is most similar too! A lot of these choices make big impact on what you get to make sure you're not using magic to cheat! There are 15 question that make big differences!

I hope you enjoy this quiz! Every house is great it doesn't matter! I am a huffleclaw like I hinted in some of the answers! Keep on quizzing! Tell your friends, and if you have time rate this quiz! <3

Created by: Kami_The_Hufflepuff
  1. What do you think of muggles?
  2. If you met Voldemort what would your reaction be?
  3. Whats your favorite color?
  4. If somebody called you stupid what would you do?
  5. You see somebody sneak into the boys/girls dormitory at night what do you do?
  6. What's your house?
  7. What is your patronus?
  8. What is your blood-type?
  9. You catch somebody cheating on their O.W.L exam what do you do?
  10. Dumbledore or Lord Voldemort?
  11. You get to bring a pet to Hogwarts what do you bring?
  12. What do you think of my beagles? They are the ones in the picture.
  13. Around how many plushies do you have?
  14. Favorite fruit?
  15. Do you hate or like flowers?

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Quiz topic: Which Harry Potter character fits my personality best?

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