Weiss Schnee's Profile

Weiss Schnee
Joined on Feb 8, 2014
Status Level: Experienced
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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Weiss Schnee's Recent Posts
"Bird: I'm not all that tired now, for some reason.. Was I really sleeping? I don't remember that. - *room is v"
"Rontu: *eyes widen, that's actually pretty cool* Wow.. - Feng: *nods* Alright, sounds simple enough."
"I liked you better mute, you know?"
"You couldn't be me even if you tried, anyway."
"[nighty night] Gaudy ice cream."
"Kyruri: Hahah. *ruffles your hair* You should still be a mute."
"This is utterly boring. I guess I'll leave."
"I guess I'll just talk to myself, now. Hmph."
"I don't want to talk you out of it.xD"
"They're not completely stupid, though. They do have some good points...though none are as perfect as me. Sounds beautiful."
"Never heard of it, but cool."
"But that doesn't matter. That's like saying a vampire falling in love with a human is too Much like Twilight. It's just stupid."
"Gabriel: I suppose. Cal: Hmph."
"I can't even begin to recount them all. I like snowflakes."
"Wouldn't surprise me."
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