Weakness's Profile

Joined on Apr 25, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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Weakness's Recent Posts
"If you think she's old, then I don't even think I should tell you my age .-."
"I think the originals were fine :/"
"I think it's a kids show. That's just the vibe it gives off, I guess. And yes, I have watched the show. The only reason I have and still do ..."
"Nah, it's just saying weirdness is awesome and stuff :3"
"Weridness=Awesomeness=Epicness=Coolness=Really Good :D"
"Oh hooray :D I'd miss you if you left, even if we barely talk. You're a big part of GTQ."
"You go, girl :D"
"*picks up kitty* Reminds me of my feline friend at home."
"*pets teh kitteh* So soft and fluffy ^o^"
"I love kitties :D Can I pat your head?"
"Hey you two, let's not fight."
"I don't like you wahtsoever. Everyone here has given more then enough evidence of being who they say they are. I know how you feel. If my li..."
"You know what, you really are an a--hole. I'm ashamed to be grouped with older siblings like you. Seriously, get the f--- off and let your s..."
"Wow xD Hacker got into my account and signed my name for me. But really, I wouldn't sign my name like that. ~Hattie :3"
"Already on the second page. Wow. So, I was planning on bringing up the ubject but I wasn't sure how to approach it without he"
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