Unknown_Waters's Profile

Joined on Mar 7, 2021
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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Unknown_Waters's Recent Posts
"ooh i haven't been on this one in ages"
"It wasn't even their problem They all just came up and started calling her out When it wasn't their business to do so wha"
"I mean do y'all think that I'm just gonna stand by and be ok with that?"
"...I wasn't talking s--- about Cats and others that called Angel out. I was just arguing against them because I was standing up for the fact..."
"I don't even know if I should make another official thread People are just gonna come into it and fight again And I'll fi"
"f--- f--- you f--- everything Why do I always have to be the nice person? I don't feel like I want to be sometimes"
"^ I wrote this last night"
"You never understood me And I don’t think you ever will You tell me that you love me But you can’t even tell "
"I was trying to not increase my breakdown Yes, I actually have them I don't want to have them But that's not my choice"
"jUnE ChEcK Le qUoTeV"
"@June Hey Bestie Read it all! I mean it! Read it all! 💀If you were killed, I"
"^^ tysm June, that means a lot"
"June Check Quotev please"
"Ok, I'm leaving No one talk to me unless you're someone who didn't hurt me please. I'll be on Quotev, email, and text for those of you"
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