UMakeNoCents's Profile
Joined on Oct 14, 2018
Status Level: Newbie
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6-Year Club
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UMakeNoCents's Recent Posts
"I'm only 16. Bro was 17 and now he's dead. So many legends have died since 2017 First Chris Cornell Then Chester Bennington"
"I just had a friend die. He was more than that tbh he was one of the realest people I ever met. He was closer than my own family. Half if my..."
"there's no cool people left on here. I'm dipping off the face of this site then"
"Damn your wierd af I just wanted to ask a question n your trippin"
""I point out other people's mistakes on the internet bc I'm a social outcast who feels so bad of themselves that they do that to make themse..."
"Wtf does WTPO mean?? We speak words around here."
"You physically can't. It's impossible. If you tried to smoke until you OD you'd pass out before your even halfway"
"Hey dumb--- you can't die from weed and it's literally going to be legal soon so you can hold this L"
"Why not a lonely stoner?"
"But no lie I'm the biggest stoner on this site period. But I have a question for all the users here Are y'all loners outside the"
"I threw up on the bus from a juul. It was pretty funny tbh"
"^^^^^^^that last part is faxx Nobody stays true to themselves anymore Everyone says to live your best life to just be yourself"
"Again, you're taking it too literal again. I'm just stating my perspective. I'm not trying to debate over whatever TF this even is"
"Compare how humans acted in the early 1900s Now comapre it to 2018 where the internet and social media controls our lives. "
"Your taking it too literal"
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