Ughhhhhhhh's Profile

Joined on Jan 15, 2021
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
Ughhhhhhhh's Quizzes
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Ughhhhhhhh's Recent Posts
"No :)"
"Hey guys sorry I left I kinda just didn't want to deal with ugh"
"Hello I'm new here"
"No thanks, why would I be friends with someone who insulted me"
"Hello I'm new here"
"No I'm not retarded"
"Omg why do you all hate me so much, I've been nice to you two"
"Sheesh your so rude, your the one who said "I hate ugh they're so annoying""
"Hey she was the one talking bad about me in her thread first"
"That user eggaly is one spiteful little b---- isn't she"
"Oh I see how it is"
"Ikr everyone on here is pretending like they have anxiety and depression it's so lame"
"Everyone's venting too much it's so boring"
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