Typhon's Profile

Joined on May 12, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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Typhon's Recent Posts
"*Sigh* You truely are a whore. -.- Well, I have more iportant responsibilities that you have neglected over the years of your"
"I suppose you did it for Kronos. What's the obsession with him anyways? Did you produce any demon spawn with him as well? I b"
"It was still unflattering. Demon child, other than that one phrase, tat was entirely towards your mother."
"You are certainly not a cougar, you are a serpent woman for Zeus's sake! You've really let yourself go haven't you. . . Hmm, demon child, be..."
"We had Chimera! Cerberus! Do they mean nothing?! The demon child with this Andy character may be of his descent but clearly not all of the c..."
"This is quite a messed up family. . . You are the mother of monsters, known lately as Lady Gaga, and I am the father of all m"
"What lies are you telling my child?! >:( What a shame."
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