turewerewolf's Profile

Joined on Mar 9, 2015
Status Level: Experienced
turewerewolf's Quizzes
- GESS my lyrics[published: Apr 05, 2015, 1 comment]
There are people who konw the lyrics to every song but let's see if you konw the lyrics to MY songs (well most……
- how crazy are you[published: Apr 05, 2015]
There are many crazy people are you one of them. Find out and people please don't take this in the wrong way……
- how well do you know Raven Queen[published: Mar 22, 2015, 3 comments]
There are many Ever After High fans so I see people playing like there Blondie Locks, Kitty ,I……
- witch of my sides are you[published: Mar 21, 2015]
There's many people that have more then one side which one of my sides are you come take my quiz to……
- witch of my best friends are YOU?[published: Mar 18, 2015, 1 comment]
There are many people who wonders "if I was someone else who would be my friends so that's why……
- how well do you know me?[published: Mar 12, 2015, 1 comment]
There are many people in the world. A lot know me but only a few trueley do that's why I made this quiz……
turewerewolf's Recent Posts
"Hey i was just stopping by (i miss this website) so anyways @whiplash you are so f---ing wrong. Not all emos do self-harm.you have to be em..."
"How do you post a picture (I'm stupid okay)"
"Really? Immamartian really? Wow"
"1)Seeing my real parents 2)Red moons 3)Nightmares comeing to life (littery) 4)seeing my reflection in the mirror (at "
"Why do I feel this COULD be adout me? I'm not eating as much meat any more (but i can go only one day without it)"
"Red i would be a redhead I think I'm going to die my hair red. What is amiea whateve?"
"And thanks for reading my stuff: )"
"Okay thanks guys that really help. Besides if ppl seen me they would they I'm a vamp or wolf cos of my teeth and eyes. so thanks guys it hel..."
"I made videos of my self being crazy should I put them on YouTube? Good idea or bad?"
"No it's great mate "
"Oh yeay and if I go a. .say two days my body shakes and I'm not really my self (chews on meat stick)"
"Yeay that someone is ME turewerewolf I never go a day in my life without meat sometimes I eat 5 different types a day can someone help. If I..."
"One time I took a quiz and it read I'm a garden fairy I love gardens"
"Do you think it's weird for "someone" I KONW to never go a day in her life with out any meat"
turewerewolf's Recent Quiz Comments
"I'm favorite colors are graveyard grey, nightmare black, blood red,and fullmoon sliverwhite not pink "
1 -
"16~20. Actually I'm 10 everyone says I act older and look older, plus I'm actually very mature for my age so its not really surprising…"
1 -
"Blue "
1 -
"You ppl do konw that werewolves don't transform on FMS?"
1 -
"Clear Windows. I think that when I come around its dark. ..oh yeay my cats named tiger: )"
1 -
"I do love animals more then people. And people make me MAD a lot like that one time at school i. Never mind unbean whatever "
2 -
1 -
1 -
"Ha me....curl my hair wear makeup. .yeay right I only wear eye liner (sometimes) and when I do its really emo. "
1 -
"In F. mi, life is so wrong! I hate it! "