This Is My Soul's Profile

This Is My Soul
Joined on Dec 27, 2016
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
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This Is My Soul's Recent Posts

  • "Omaii"
  • "I don't either, just my mother decided to play that card knowing damn well that it isn't true."
  • "How exactly? I thought Statutory rape is sexual activity in which one of the individuals is below the age required to legally consent to the..."
  • I am Zaxx
    "I am sorry to intrude but is it statutory rape if a 15 year old and a 19 year old are together? Without any sexual touching or anything. Jus..."
  • "I am sorry to intrude but is it statutory rape if a 15 year old and a 19 year old are together? Without any sexual touching or anything. Jus..."
  • Batman's Cave
    "How is it statutory rape, if you don't mind me asking?"
  • Batman's Cave
    "I am sorry to intrude but is it statutory rape if a 15 year old and a 19 year old are together? Just being together."
  • Statutory Rape
    "Would it be statutory rape if a fifteen year old is together with a nineteen year old? Sex isn't in the equation, it's just two people being..."
  • I have an issue
    "Is it statutory rape if a 15 year old is together with a 19 year old?"
  • I have an issue
  • I have an issue
    "You see this is him: htt ps://u ploadpie.c om/pnljQa http s://uploa qaah I haven't been happier, but I hope my mothe"
  • I have an issue
    "The age situation is an issue, but he wants to make it work. He believes that age is just a number like weight or distance."
  • I have an issue
    "I finally told him. This is what I said: You know that I love you. That without you...Im just shattered. Im a shattered person"
  • I have an issue
    "But what if I lose him?"
  • I have an issue
    "You see, I love this person. He is amazing. My world. These reason why I decide to get out of bed every morning. He's there for me. I wouldn..."

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