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Joined on Oct 21, 2013
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ThisIsClever's Quizzes
- How much wood would a wood chuck chuck?[published: Nov 03, 2013, 2 comments]
Let's see..this is more of a favor ism of woodchucks, I guess, but! It still includes……
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""Jesus.."Cari muttered. Then she went inside to get Carl. She checked his room. Nothing. Cari looked in the kitchen. Also empty. She quickly..."
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"(That moment when you realize that you put the same word twice in a sentence...XP)"
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""Um, er, Okay!" She said. You could tell Cari was a little nervous. Carl's eyes widened a little, and lightly shook his head."
"The twins shook their heads. "Nope,"Cari said, and as usual, Carl said nothing."
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