TheDreamSoldier's Profile

Joined on Jul 8, 2014
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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TheDreamSoldier's Recent Posts
"I hate roleplays in the lounge, we should be looking for Sephiroth but instead we're here playing. This is just like the Gold Saucer inciden..."
"Summons are incarnations of gods that we can call for use in battle."
"Are you a Summon, then?"
"Chaos Blood? We could find out what I won't do for money."
"Primordial blood?"
"Yeah, anything."
"Materia is the energy of the planet in a concentrated form. I mean, I guess Zack said we would do anything for money in our new"
"Any Materia?"
"Fighting gods is 1000 gil."
"One date? I think that's fair."
"I need work, please pay me"
"They are alerts for when people call you. Like songs or sounds. You can have different ones for different people."
"That was nice of her, do you want some ringtones?"
"Tifa helped you?"
"...Why does the dog want to steal from you? You don't even have a cell phone"
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