That_Shy_girl's Profile

Joined on Jan 13, 2020
Status Level: Novice
That_Shy_girl's Quizzes
- Who are you in the world?[published: Jan 14, 2020, 1 comment]
This is a f---ing quiz about how you fit in in the world and I hope you find out who you truely……
That_Shy_girl's Recent Posts
"Thanks I'm 15 You"
"I feel like everyone's avoiding me... Well they always do "
"Hi jeeshan"
"What's up bella Can we be friends!!!!"
"I don't really know Ooooohhhhhhh I answered your quiz and got 80 So can we be friends!!!!!"
"You are 50% of a genius! 50% EXPLANATIONS of Answer 1: Correct answer: 132 Explanation: The first person shook hands wit"
"Ok Birthday wishes too"
"Which Disney Princess are you? Your Result: Princess Belle 86% Frustrated with her provincial village life, book-l"
"And the most shy girl is back.."
"Ok I'm leaving see you when I see yo And the geek I'll be back for you"
"I'm speaking to Macoo"
That_Shy_girl's Recent Quiz Comments
"Which Disney Princess are you?
Your Result: Princess Belle 86%Frustrated with her provincial village life, book-loving Belle…"
1 -
"Which of the Divergent factions do you belong in?
Your Result: You are a chosen Dauntless 84%
There's no hiding from it:…"
1 -
"I knew I was always I am sureeee"
3 -
"Which Stranger Things Kid Are You?
Your Result: Eleven 84%
resultYou are most like Eleven! You are both quiet but also…"
3 -
"Would I Date You? (Updated Version 1.2)
Your Result: There is a possibility 90%There is a possibility that I would date you.…"
2 -
"Are You Hot Or Not?
Your Result: Beautiful 90%AS either a guy or girl, you are most considered a natural beauty. You emit…"
1 reply7 -
"I got an 80...
Can we talk???"In response to bellagirl:
"pretty cool,i got 100.i know myself."