Stitched By Pain's Profile


Stitched By Pain
Joined on Dec 1, 2015
Status Level: Novice

Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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Stitched By Pain's Quizzes

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Stitched By Pain's Recent Posts

  • My New Thread
    "*hugs* What's wrong?"
  • ......
    "Times like these, I wish I had someone to talk to"
  • ......
    "When you realize you should have never let him known about this place. Had to switch accounts because I have a stalker :/"
  • Lyle~!
    "I'll give you this account, if you want it still"
  • My Private Thread
    "SC: I might Raikou: I'll ask, but it seems like all of my attempts are in vain."
  • My Private Thread
    "*sigh* I'm stuck and i don't know what to do. I'm trying to help everyone and it's not working ;o;"
  • My Private Thread
    "Alright, I need your help. I thought I has ready for a relationship but I wasn't. I have been with this guy for almost a year"
  • Fading Worlds
    "Bumping this"
  • My Private Thread
    "I have a thought nagging at the back of mind, and i'm trying to push it away."
  • My Private Thread
    "I honesty don't know what's wrong with me. Why can't I act like a normal human being and not worry all of the time. I want to be normal but ..."
  • "Life sucks, I suck Ha Understatement :/ I need help I need to get my mind off of all of this"
  • My New Thread
  • My New Thread
    "SG: Thank chu~! I fell asleep ;o; Don't do anything please don't do anything"
  • My New Thread
    "SG: Ah, I'm sitting here thinking and talking to you xD"
  • My New Thread
    "You didn't do anything :/ Hai SG! :3 How are you?"

Stitched By Pain's Recent Quiz Comments

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