Spike's Profile
Joined on Nov 24, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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Spike's Recent Posts
"I see"
"Cool so why does bob hate you?"
"What's up"
"Video games"
"And I don't like annoying b----'s emma but I'm still stuck talking to one"
"f--- you Zane that how I speak in real life a--hole that's how I talked when I was a kid and is not fake f---ing wanker"
"I am pissed because they are so f---ing stupid we're not all stuffy and were not all a bunch of hoodlums either I hate being judged about w..."
"f--- you sport and Emma if you don't like then piss off you f---ing wankers"
"Cherry exactly it is f---ing rubbish and it still happen everywhere on the Telly and in real life everyone has this oh Brits are like this k..."
"Well sage if you think you can deal with the rain your welcome to come Sport that's good that you don't bloody stero types f---ing b"
"Tongue is right sport your iPod is retared red jumpsuit is not f---ing punk and your a f---ing stupid wanker if you think it is"
"The ramones rock! Thank god finally some people with good taste in music! none of those bloody boy bands are real music and that wanker Ju..."
"Not too funny luv when you have too live them but I'm glad you can see past the bloody stareo types that are given"
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