Slim_t's Profile


Joined on May 7, 2010
Status Level: Senior

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14-Year Club
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Slim_t's Recent Posts

  • Call all gtq ogs
    "@zeronightshade yeah I don't think that we ever talked all like that but we probably know a lot of the same generation of people "
  • Call all gtq ogs
    "Yeah James usually can be caught sporadically haha I love him to death so it sucks not being able to get a hold of him. And yeah sapphiretwi..."
  • Call all gtq ogs
    "Yeah I think I may still have a few on facebook but those accounts are so old I havnt really been able to get a response. I've"
  • "I think mainly people just use democracy as a layman's term for any social form government. I think also that a republic is a form of"
  • Call all gtq ogs
    "That's too bad lol it's been damn near a decade so it's crazy. What have you been up to"
  • Call all gtq ogs
    "I had a lot of great friends from back then and a lot of you really impacted my life. So it'd be great to catch up"
  • Call all gtq ogs
    "I'm from 2010 so let me know xD I'm tryna see if anyone else ever stops in"
  • Call all gtq ogs
    "Hey guys, anyone here started around the same time I did or before?"
  • haha so
    "Flat belly is made in the kitchen and on the track. In other words tight core is great but its not gonna produce the aesthetic appeal "
  • "Indian lands are technically sovereign, so itd technically take their ok to do something like that."
  • "Superloading in foods that cause estrogen to spike is a great way to increase risk of thyroid disorder and cancer"
  • "Yeah it was a weird fight for sure.. If didn't know any better id wonder if someone paid off alverez"
  • "Lol conors the s---. I was disappointed with lvarez though"
  • Donald Trump Victory
    "Go team.."
  • Solving Overpopulation
    "Overpopulation isnt the hice scary problem its hyped up to be. That being said, extraterrestrial colonization is an awesome idea"

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