Skeppys_Diamonds's Profile


Joined on Mar 15, 2022
Status Level: Novice

Level-up Progress:
3-Year Club
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Skeppys_Diamonds's Quizzes

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Skeppys_Diamonds's Recent Posts

  • Casa Del Fuego
    "same person as before. I'm Don."
  • Casa Del Fuego
    "heh, thanks."
  • Casa Del Fuego
  • Blizzard & Me.
    "Gold let out a small whimper, glancing at the steak. He leaned against the counter once again and ran his hand down his face, feeling for wh..."
  • Blizzard & Me.
    "Gold yawned a little, flipping the steak again. He watched his uncle, gently tapping his arm. "That's good, not too much.""
  • Blizzard & Me.
    ""Uh- well, grab a pan, one kinda deep? Here, I'll get the pan!" Gold said quickly, keeping an eye on his steak as he grabbed Skeppy a pan. "..."
  • Blizzard & Me.
    "Bad nodded. "It always is." He gently kissed Skeppy's forehead, sighing. "I've gotta finish the rolls. You help with the corn. It's not that..."
  • Blizzard & Me.
    "Bad smiled. "You manage to snap him out of bad moods. I don't think I was ever able to do that. O can usually just comfort him.""
  • Casa Del Fuego
    "We don't talk about the idiots...."
  • Blizzard & Me.
    "Gold nodded, calming down a little. He squeezed Bad one more time before he backed out of the hug and flipped the steak. "Okay..." "
  • Blizzard & Me.
    "Gold nodded, squeezing Bad tightly. "O-okay. I just d-don't want to lose xem! Xey've always been there!" He rubbed his eyes, sniffling a lit..."
  • Blizzard & Me.
    "Gold nodded. "Okay. We can do that. I- It's okay as it is. I can rent horses or something and we can go over in the morning." He bit his lip..."
  • Casa Del Fuego
    "Oh, well, look at this."
  • How Did You Die?
    "Crushed by diamonds"
  • My Friend's Safe Space
    "Sigh.... I'm so damn lonely."

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