Sikuch Yantai's Profile

Sikuch Yantai
Joined on May 13, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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Sikuch Yantai's Recent Posts
"Ana: >:O Die hacker."
"o.o Idk...go to a doctor!"
"Aw, babies. :3"
"I like the Momoko way. :D"
"I do~! ^O^"
"Oh wonderful. :3 Nice to meet you then."
"Thank you. ^_^"
"Water as clear and clean as flowing glass, creating the veins of rivers and streams. They lead to the center lake, with an ove"
"Migrant Sue Elvish, English, Chiqui Elvish, and I'm currently studying Gaina Elvish."
"Yes, Sue Elvish. x3 In human terms it'd sound quite similar to an Irish accent."
"We have no government. Our tribe has had inner peace for over a thousand years, though we often have to fight foreign attackers. .3. "
"Hello, I am Sikuch Yantai, migrant worker of the Sue Elvish tribe. :3 My name literally means 'Shining Star'. I am a rather poor boy but not..."
"Migrant Sue Elvish: Jamnde so vufla ave voot, so vaat no, mida solt. Jamnde so giga ave yun, so voktos restoona, so ma"
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