Sidlee M's Profile


Sidlee M
Joined on Jan 2, 2021
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
3-Year Club
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Sidlee M's Recent Quiz Comments

  • "why was there so many questions?! by about half way i couldn't wait and my bf was about to burst. we are dirty so i let loose on his…"

  • "god i had to put my hand over my "hot dog" to stop the flow. the second i put the water in my pants by 20 sec i was going. my under…"

  • "i forgot to finish heres the rest: i was being tickled by alex too to the point where when i let go they both got sprayed. it was all…"

    In response to Sidlee M:

    "ok me and my friends are into this stuff don't…"

  • "ok me and my friends are into this stuff don't judge. we all prepared and filled bladders till we were squirming. I'm a boy and my two…"

    1 reply
  • "OMG. i had to let loose when we had to push out into the toilet. god i put my hand over my "long thing" after three sec and i couldn't…"

  • "WRONG., not Kevin Harvick. Aint he retired. i mean my favorite is Jimmie johnson. too bad he just retired. I'm 13 and a HUGE fan. i…"
