Shash's Profile

Joined on Apr 28, 2013
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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Shash's Recent Posts
"Tony: ..Heh, um. I collect a bit? *...* ... Raven: I don't know..*follows Gwen* *standing the"
"Elacie: *frowns* He fell out the window...again. Albey: My name is Albey Seay, yours, ma'am?"
"Haven: Of course. *shifts into a young girl with bright red hair*"
"He looked back at the sun, and frowned. "Don't look now, but we have three on our tails." He spoke softly, his eyes starting to glow silver...."
"Elacie: I'm going to make something with all this, then throw it in a volcano. *smiles, hugging her back* Like I said, insane"
"Haven: I dunno. I'm a shifter, too. *mimics her voice*"
"Haven: Watch. *jumps down from his head, landing on the floor, and shifting into a perfect copy of lone*"
"He smiled brightly, nodding. "Why would I lie?""
"Elacie: I dont really know...Hey, Kassy! *seems unusually happy* Albey: Hello, Person... Hey Kass. *sitting on"
"Haven: Hm. Interesting."
"Elacie: *looks up from a pile of chains, smashed metal, and crushed syringes* Your point being? And it not funny, its confusing as hell...."
"Oh nu...I've had my phone for five years, and the screens completely screwed up. Poor you."
"Tonner, Rizen, and Grey are the only active blood hunters at the moment. Flame and Shade have been, well, done away with.*chuckles lightly* ..."
"Iann: What's going on? *glances at the girl* Mira, you can go. I'll teach you later.*smiles softly* *girl and chess board disappear*"
"(Oh, how nice. Sorry bout that, six.) *follows her* Iann: *sitting on the bed, playing chess with a little gir"
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