Semiramis's Profile

Joined on Mar 29, 2022
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
2-Year Club
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Semiramis's Recent Posts
"Oh, a lovely ship indeed"
"Hello fellow believer in murder"
"Murderers are people too 🙏"
"[[ yes, but telling us we are attacking someone for saying we don't want to interact with them is both s---ty and disrespectful. You can't t..."
"Murder = Okay. Please respect everyone 🙏"
"[[ I'm sorry, but I cannot take just your word for this when you're in an anon account. If it is the truth I am sorry for you and I a"
"[[Mint, that is an understandable stance but what op and it seems you have also missed /nm Is none of us are angry or attacking anyon"
"Also, I think if you're someone who survived an attempted assassination you should apologise and simply accept your fate. It's very h"
"I was raised by birds. This post is offensive to me. I demand a written apology ( /j )"
"Birds > Cats > Mutts"
"[ a /LH jab at a ridiculous statement, ONE time is not harassment. Have a wonderful day!] I'm glad to have found such like-min"
"People are gonna disagree with you. It's okay. We have to learn to accept that fact. I support inclusion. If someone disagrees with me about..."
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