secret8's Profile

Joined on Jun 6, 2012
Status Level: Novice
secret8's Quizzes
- What Type Of Angel Are You?[published: Jun 14, 2012, 36 comments]
Hi and welcome to my angel quiz. Since I don't know what else to say I will recommend some more of……
- Whats Your Hidden Talents?[published: Jun 12, 2012, 16 comments]
Well, this quiz is basically tells you what talents suit your personality, not what you will be in……
- Are You A Werewolf?[published: Jun 07, 2012, 5 comments]
So you may have taken my vampire quiz. This is basically the same but with werewolves. If you haven't taken……
- Whats Your Magic Power?[published: Jun 07, 2012, 4 comments]
Ok so I've done a psychic ability quiz but this is different. Magic powers don't exist. This quiz is……
- Are You A Vampire?[published: Jun 07, 2012, 3 comments]
You might know vampires as evil, horrible creatures that kill you for your blood. Or maybe you think they are……
- Are You A Natural Medium?[published: Jun 07, 2012, 13 comments]
Hi! Ever wondered about this question because I have! The answer to am I psychic is yes, everyone is……
- Whats Your Inner Mythical Creature?[published: Jun 06, 2012, 3 comments]
The title kinda says it all so im gonna fill up the space with dots.........................……
- Whats Your Inner Power?[published: Jun 06, 2012, 13 comments]
Okay, maybe not magic but psychic. Magic powers dont exist. Psychic powers do. Thats the only……
secret8's Recent Posts
"come on people, all i ask is that you help me be nice! im mean, how nice would you feel if you knew that if silvermoon8 ever came back, that..."
"im not silvermoon8. i just dont like it when people make a forum about someone. i just wish people could care a bit more!"
"what a mean lot you are! i just hope i never meet you in person. and i dont care if its polite. if your out in the streets and there is a me..."
"well, there is this ex-GTQ user called silvermoon8. i say ex because ever since this forum was made about her, she has not posted or done an..."
"what has happend to people? just because i dont know you, it doesn't mean you can be like that to anyone. its rude and actually, i care abou..."
"but this person still might be upset now. doesn't anyone think about others feelings anymore?"
"I like your username!"
"Well 8 is my lucky number and since nobody on gtq knows who i am, im secret! @Appa: i love the hichhickers guide to the galaxy. Its funny. e..."
"sorry i didn't mean to post that twice."
"but still, i would feel pretty upset if i was silvermoon8 that there is a message for me for everyone to see. Wouldn't you?"
"but still, i would feel pretty upset if i was silvermoon8 that there is a message for me for everyone to see. Wouldn't you?"
"I do belive in ghost and dont worry, you didn't offend me. You are allowed to belive what you want to belive. I don't call them ghosts thoug..."
"So, I was just wondering how many people like my quizzes. Don't be afraid to say no though because I asked this for a reason. If you haven'..."
"i like them all! but i got to say nintendo ds/3ds!"
"you shouldn't make a forum about someone. You've probably really hurt there feelings now."
secret8's Recent Quiz Comments
"please, if you liked silvermoon8s quizzes, help me stand up for her in her forum (silvermoon8 in the religion stuff) i know she went a bit…"
1 -
"please, if you enjoyed silvermoon8s quizzes, help me stand up for her in the forum (called silvermoon8 in the religion stuff) i know she…"
1 -
"absol. i can live with that since i like absols and the description was pretty much right about me."
1 -
"im a cute little purple oddish! the description was almost all right exept i do hold grudges."
1 -
"i got charmander which has an accurate description of me, but im not to sure that it suits a charmander."
1 -
"elegant. good enough."
1 -
"my star sign is scorpio and i love it! people say we are mean and horrible. we are not unless you hurt us first. people forget our good…"
1 -
"i have know idea why i took this quiz lol! anyways, i got both of you!"
1 -
"yep! the only times im not shy is near trusted people or behind this here screen!"
1 -
"ooooooo! i got strength. well, i am the strongest girl i know."