PurPl3Sik3's Profile

Joined on Jan 16, 2012
Status Level: Experienced
PurPl3Sik3's Quizzes
- How are u usually feeling?[published: Feb 05, 2012, 6 comments]
You might be wondering what exactly your feeling right now. Weather if its a positive feeling or a……
- Which Guy Friend Would You Fall For (Girlz Only)[published: Jan 22, 2012, 5 comments]
These Are Some Of My Close Guy Friends. But The Real Question Is Which One Of……
- Are You My Type (GUYZ ONLY)[published: Jan 17, 2012]
There Are Many Guys Out Their But Only Some Are My Type And Some Not So Much But That Doesn't MEan……
- Is It True Love?[published: Jan 16, 2012, 2 comments]
You Might Be Wondering If What Your Feeling Is True Love.. Well True Love Is When You Cant BE Without That One……
PurPl3Sik3's Recent Posts
"Yes! Lol well i hav to go, i promis you will hear from me morre often! Well night ttyl"
"Haha rape me by fb already! Lol well then i wnt send u a bro request"
"Thanks and i denied it i was like ew i dnt wwnt him as my frnd lol jk Audree:wat type or book an music u like?"
"Alex:yes thats me Audree: haha well at least its going great ! So um wat do u like to do?"
"Hah yea mayb thts why i cnt sleep lol, but thts good how long hsve u nd alex been togethet?"
"Hah dnt worry i found a white hair the other day i almost cryed lol,nd yesh look me up under (maria reveles 65 @ yahoo .com) but without the..."
"Audree:im pretty great way excited for later today, have a date with my cute guy frnd lol, wbu?"
"Oh i was like WTF is this lol, but watever lol ur the 1 with whit hair lol"
"Rockstar:see what?"
"Thats because ur an old man look at all ur white hair already lol jk"
"Haha that was perfect you made me randomly laugh out loud hopefully i didnt wake anyone up lol And awee thts so cute "
"Haha just pretend you understood me so i feel smart lmao, or else ! Jk Well thanks a lot he really is a good kid, so just ask"
"Haha when dont i win? I be beast like that haha and ur my miniture beast lol tht sounded mean in way hahw bt u feel me"
"Nice to meet u to lol, u take care of alex for me while i was gone ? Haha"
"Me wittle? Im 15 about to be 16 i think this makes me the older one nd u the wittle one :) ahh alex ive missed talking to u ! *hugs* ur like..."
PurPl3Sik3's Recent Quiz Comments
"You Are 37% Of A Dream Daughter
Well, I honestly don't know what to say, may be this quiz wasn't accurate afterall, you can't be…"
1 -
"Great quiz and pretty accurate, you know me making them guys blush xD "
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"Omg it's so good so far i just want to keep on reading I can't wait for part 2 :D"
1 -
"I got nope,
No, you rarely/hardly/never swear. May be you have that coolness personality or just don't like swearing but thats the…"
1 -
"Truth A:
hmm my crushes;at School is this one guy named ryan that confuses me more and more each day....
and online is…"
1 -
"I Got Jacob xD Sounds exactly Like My Type Of Guy (:"
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"I Got Jacob xD Sounds exactly Like My Type Of Guy (:"
1 -
"Hope You Guys Like My quiz (:"
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"dumb! sayz im n0t em0 but i am 0oo and iim em0 and straight cauze thats rite ppl d0nt have t0 be gay t0 be em0!!"