To Regret Nothing

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This is a new series I am starting called 'To Regret Nothing.' As you can tell by the title. I hope you like it!! I will try to continue Once: A Chance, but for now it's just this. :)

Okay so you're not really in this story, it's just something for you to read. So the main character is Lea: Female, 25 years old. okay that's all I'm going to tell you. It's a story of revenge. :D

Created by: alyk4321

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  1. Revenge. It sounds good coming from these cold, bitter lips. And the meaning sounds even better. If only I wasn't such a coward. That day when they read those vows, they said 'until death do us part'. Well that was true. And all because of him. I can't let him run anymore... I should try and stop him... but I'm probably too late.
  2. I glace over at the table. It's still there. It's tormenting me, tempting me to do something I don't want to do. Or do I? I look over at today's newspaper. The headline reads, "MAN FOUND DEAD, POLICE ARE FLUSTERED" This just angers me more. I don't know why I would look at it again. I look at the gun again. There it is, screaming, "Use me, use me," on a giant neon sign. I glace to look at my arm. It is getting worse. The wound. He shot me, I was just trying to help them, but he managed to shoot me. "Ugh!" The pain is taking over. I just hurts so much... Just then someone knocks on the door. I straggle up from the chair I am sitting in and get to the door. I open it. "Oh, John, I wasn't expecting you." I say hiding my arm behind the door. "Lea, I just thought I would see how you're doing. It's all over the news. And the papers- I, I'm just really sorry." "I couldn't be helped I guess." I say trying to hold in all the pain behind my smile.
  3. "Mind if I come in? We could talk about it if you like." "Oh, you know, that's fine. I'll be fine, John." "You sure?" I shake my head and just count the seconds desperately until he leaves. "Alright, then. I'll get out of your hair." I shut the door and fall to my knees. I crawl to the kitchen floor and get a knife and some gauze. I took the knife in my shaking hands. 'Stop shaking!' I tell myself. I cut deeper into my arm to try and get the bullet out. I hurts badly... And it's one more thing i can blame on him. The skin around my arm has begun to turn to a black color... I hope I'm doing this soon enough. I get the bullet out. So much blood is poring out of me. I take the gauze and cut it in my mouth. I frantically wrap it around my arm.
  4. I get up and clean up all the blood. I go to my phone and look at the picture of me with my parents. I can't help but smile. God, I miss them. Ever since it happened, I fell this grief. Like everything I've ever done, is for nothing. I'm nothing. That's what he used to tell me. He thought he was getting me to hate myself... ha ha. Yeah. That's funny. Because it's brought me to hate others.
  5. When I sleep, I have nightmares, in each one I am killed. By the same man. Him. Once, I had this dream when all had died but me, and I was the one who had done it. Me? Kill all those people? Yeah, that was a nightmare, alright. I help people. I don't kill them, right?
  6. I don't know what I've eaten today, or if I've eaten today, but my mind is all out of whack. I'm not sure if it's because of my parents passing or what. But I've been having that dream a lot. And in it, I kill him. God I want to kill him. I wish I could. There is one way I would. I he took Micheal. "Mom?" "Yes, Micheal?" I say looking to my right at the most innocent boy you will ever see in your life. But he looks like his father. He has beautiful blue eyes, and gorgeous brown hair. He's just nine years old, but wanted his hair to look like Justin Bieber to impress all the girls. He's growing up so fast. I had him when I was 16, his father was a coward and ran off. "Are you okay? You've been acting kind of strange lately." "Oh, yeah, baby. I'm fine." I say smiling. "I love you, mom." He says as he hugs me. "I love you too, baby." He goes back to his room. Then there is a loud bang.
  7. I wake up from passing out. I must have drunken something, I feel strange. I'm on the floor, there's a vase shattered next to me. "God," I mumble as I try to get up. My head is throbbing; it hurts so badly. I get up and look into the bathroom mirror. There's a giant, bloody, mark on my head. "How the heck did that happen?!" I ask myself. I clean it off. I walk into Micheal's bedroom. "Micheal? Are you okay?" He's not there. "Micheal?!" I yell. "Micheal, where are you?!" No answer. I search frantically around the house. "He's gone... " I say. I start to cry when something catches my eye.
  8. I get up and go to the fridge. There is a note. It says: Hello again, Lea. You know who this is. I'm sorry to say that we had to come back for your son... We warned you. If you ever want to see his pretty little face again, you better bring me my money. ALL of it. -Scar. I tare the note off the fridge and crumple it up.
  9. All of a sudden I get this anger, this feeling of revenge. First my parents, now my son. I look over at the gun again. I can't help but walk over to it and pick it up. "Oh God," I say to myself. "Forgive me for what I'm about to do," I get on my laptop and find Scar's address that I had sneakingly saved to my computer. I grab a few other things then go to my window. I look behind the curtain and say, "You have no idea what's coming for you. I hope you know God, buddy."
  10. CLIFFHANGER!!! Hope you liked the start of something beautiful... ;D

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