How much Can u remember?

Do you remember everything important to those around you? Lets hope you do! Take this Quiz to find out how much of a genius you really are! You wont regret the time spent.. Being a true genius is only moments away and in your power!

Do you have the brainpower to qualify for the title of Genius?! Wonder no more, spend some time and find out! You wont regret that you did. Genius, after all is a exceptional feat. Dont walk around the world thinking you are something that your not! Find out!

Created by: Laura

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your walking with your best friend and he/she asks "do you remember when.."
  2. Do you remember your 1st kiss?
  3. Whats you favorite food?
  4. You walk by a car, and look at its license plate for 5 can remember..
  5. When your in a you remember The Important dates? (ie birthdays, anniversary..etc)
  6. What is the 2nd Question of this Quiz? (no scrolling up!)
  7. What is your favorite animal?
  8. Your girl/boyfriend asks "Baby, where you put..."
  9. Do you know where your keys are right now?
  10. Did you like this Quiz? Remember what it was about to begin with?

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