Pinku Akane's Profile

Pinku Akane
Joined on Jul 23, 2017
Status Level: Novice
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Pinku Akane's Quizzes
- How fun are you?[published: Jul 25, 2017]
There many people who are fun and some who are lame but do you think you are fun? This is just a simple Yes or……
- Can you answer these 16 basic trivia questions?[published: Jul 23, 2017, 1 comment]
These 16 trivia questions will test your trivia knowledge. These trivia……
Pinku Akane's Recent Posts
"*of the questions"
"The first round was all about Percentage It wasn't that hard, I just got confused on some the the questions"
"Just waiting for the 2nd round tomorrow I did really good in the first round, I finished 2nd place"
"Still studying for math, of god it's a pain in the mind!"
"hi, am high! :3"
"I need to go, I still need to study for math, bye guys!"
"I joined a math contest It will start tomorrow 50 people joined and only 4 will go to the division contest"
"Am alone again :/"
"Hi Jeeshan, how are you? ok sure IAmJosh..."
"Hi, everyone!"
"That's it, ok I really need to go to bed, bye!"
"They are polite because when I walk by someone they will bow, it is kind of embarrassing that I always forget to bow back XD They are "
"Not really, just need to wear the right clothes in every damn occasion and write weird letters. My experience so far is good, just need to a..."
"You know need to learn their culture and language Am 13"
"My hometown is Washington but we moved here in Japan"
Pinku Akane's Recent Quiz Comments
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