How fun are you?

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There many people who are fun and some who are lame but do you think you are fun? This is just a simple Yes or No quiz to how fun you are. Please answer each question honestly!

Are you fun? If so, how fun are you? This quiz will check if you are fun or a lame person! Being fun means being entertaining, adventurous and likes to have fun!

Created by: Pinku Akane

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you relax?
  2. Do you pay attention to your friends?
  3. Do you crack lots of jokes?
  4. Do you go on adventures?
  5. Do you keep things positive?
  6. Do you bring your friends together?
  7. Do you ask people lots of entertaining questions?
  8. Do you complain too much?
  9. Do you open up with people?
  10. Do you make fun of yourself?
  11. Do you meet new people?
  12. Do you explore a new part of your city or neighborhood?
  13. Do you step out of your comport zone?
  14. Do you dance even if you don’t know how?
  15. Do you conquer your fears?

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Quiz topic: How fun am I?