Noneyabusiness's Profile
Joined on Dec 26, 2014
Status Level: Newbie
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10-Year Club
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Noneyabusiness's Recent Posts
"Sorry but no"
"I was until he decided he liked my best friend instead of me but I kinda like someone else now sssssooooo...............whatever Braden"
"Oooooooohhhhhh heck nnooooo you did not just call my god a dead beat Liston here my God is awesome no matter what you say but I'm won't judg..."
"As long as you repent which is to say sorry to God and try to stop doin it he will forgive you but that's between you and the almighty God"
"Do you know the story of Adam and eve well there were innocent in the beginning but God told them not to do something but they did it anyway..."
"Ok it is not right for anyone to declare that anyone is going to hell it is Gods choice and about your question my uncle who is a pastor tol..."
"I am Pentecostal and know we don't dance with snakes we r to afraid"
"Oh my word if anyone is homeschooled it would be cool to know someone Else who is lol"
"The grinch stole Christmas lol"
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