Morphmaker's Profile
Joined on Nov 26, 2022
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
2-Year Club
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Morphmaker's Recent Quiz Comments
"The "no urls" was supposed to be 'WolfQuest' but it this stupid app blocked it out."
1 -
"You are a gray wolf with sleek, silvery fur. You have lively, amber-colored eyes. You are extremely strong and have very long limbs. You…"
1 -
"Anyways I got Starry River"
In response to Morphmaker:
"This "Wolf Quiz" is very inaccurate about…"
1 -
"This "Wolf Quiz" is very inaccurate about wolves.
1: True wolves don't have blue eyes. They only have
amber, yellow, brown,…"
3 replies1