Mistyheart_13's Profile

Joined on Aug 23, 2014
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
Mistyheart_13's Quizzes
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Mistyheart_13's Recent Posts
"Haven didn't bother to grab a second gun, just happily making her way over to the bladed weapons. She smiled, running her finger down the fl..."
"You may, if you fill out a skeleton and follow all the rules."
"Yeah... *is huggled* Probably."
"I got Ama, but I dunno if she's still here."
"I see.) Haven held the gun up, letting the second lady show her where her fingers went. Aiming and shooting, she hit the targ"
"*blink blink*"
"Hmm. Well, 7 posts. We're done. *leaves*"
"Okay. Me and Sara is done. Imma choose someone now. Lemme find a radomizer."
":c I wish I wasn't so attached to fictional anime characters. I dunno why."
"Talking about talking? Okay."
"I'm sad because Gray will probably die. I'm mad because people are rude."
"So whaddya wanna talk about."
"It's fine~"
"Sara, me and you are up first."
"I'll make the closet thread."
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