Mini Minion's Profile

Mini Minion
Joined on May 23, 2016
Status Level: Novice
Mini Minion's Quizzes
- Are you weird test[published: Jun 07, 2016, 1 comment]
Ok. Lets get this straigth. I made this quiz at half past four in the morning so before you make any hatred……
- The pointless test[published: Jun 06, 2016, 3 comments]
This is sooooo random I don't exactly know why i made this I am surprised you took it. Enjoy the quiz. I……
- Ho well do you know Zoella?[published: Jun 04, 2016, 1 comment]
YouTube is the number one most used website by most people, and there are som many people on YouTube……
Mini Minion's Recent Posts
"It says no where in the rules that doubles are against the rules"
"^(he's joking btw)"
"I have never known a forum that doesn't allow bumping 16 hour old threads, it's ridiculous."
"If you lock a thread every time a stupid fight happens you would have no threads left."
" They lock this thread because it hasn'"
"It's clear to see who the idiot is. Ihlaoy."
"1) Ihlaoy was joking 2) That means you're also calling wolflove an idiot, or are you too blind to read her posts?"
"No because you say that bumping a thread is either 1) trolling or 2) bumped by accident. People like to bump things for fun too. And "
"But that's too strict. We used to be able to bump threads for fun, to bring back memories or continue a conversation. Now bumping any thread..."
"They lock anything that has been bumped. We should be able to bump what we want as long as it's not multiple threads."
"Help I was hackes "
"Help "
"Can't tell you sorry."
Mini Minion's Recent Quiz Comments
"It said that i am obese when i am a stick! Wtf????!!!!!!"
1 -
"Yeah don't copy. Plagurism!"
1 -
"The hit ur foot question I could not do bc i have broken it."
1 -
"I am not bold and got 100 percent. Really?"
1 -
"You do not know very much about John Cena. You apparently do not very much care for him. SHAME ON YOU!!!
Shame on you is a very…"
1 -
1 -
"Could. Not. Resist."
1 -
"No actually. I take back my comment as Mini Minion. Called me a dumbf---. I said zoella lives in brighton, in which she does, and she says…"
1 -
"I got 7-8 and am in year 6 lol"
1 -
"Q6 you spelt john cena wrong.
You hate small memers-i hate you"1