Are you weird test

Ok. Lets get this straigth. I made this quiz at half past four in the morning so before you make any hatred comments, think about the time. Read on then!

Do you think you are weird? Do think that you might have the traits of the weird people? Take this test so you can soon find out if you belong with the weird!

Created by: Mini Minion

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do pigs fly
  2. Do you poop out of your mouth
  3. Do i have 2 accounts
  4. Is zoella dead
  5. Is a zonkey real
  6. Am i called mini minion
  7. Do you know who pewdipie is
  8. Do you know what roti is
  9. Blah
  10. Ping

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Quiz topic: Am I weird test