Mina_Ashido's Profile

Joined on Mar 30, 2023
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
1-Year Club
Mina_Ashido's Quizzes
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Mina_Ashido's Recent Posts
"just explaining my fracture"
"so i had my hand in the steering wheel so my arm flew up and into the glass and fractured"
"lord help us all what if you could control everyone"
"so im 16 so i got a new car and i was driving and some bit-h ramed into me and my arm fractured"
"not to good have a cast on my arm dad died"
"how r u bolth?"
"can i join"
"im alive"
"mina smiled to herself and sighed wanna skip to the sleepover?"
"(its ok just was confused) luna got dresed and waited for Eliana"
"sam thought ¨same¨"
"tabitha crouched down on her knees and giggled. here im short¨"
"ugg im sick"
Mina_Ashido's Recent Quiz Comments
"i got dabi"
1 -
"how this work..."