Who is you're mha boyfriend

SO you wanna know mha/bnha bf. Well you're in the right place. If you don't like it it's my first quiz and I hope the next one I make is better. It'll be a shame if you don't like it.

So... how have you been I know it can be hard sometimes and it just helps some ppl when others ask. I am like that too. I want you to smile and take a deep breath.

Created by: Aurora
  1. What's 2 + 2?
  2. Who do you wanna get
  3. What's your personality
  4. how do you like the quiz
  5. r u sureeee
  6. How are you?
  7. Do ppl care abt you
  8. This took a long time
  9. 1
  10. look at ur answers... Did you pick right

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