Mercenary's Profile

Joined on Feb 18, 2022
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
3-Year Club
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Mercenary's Recent Posts
"Like, if you're genuinely curious, but not coming at Jacob, you might want to consider your replies."
"@Quiz Bro. Stop. I'm sure if you said you wanted to be famous, you'd be insulted if someone's first reaction was "Tf?! Why do yo"
"Might be willing to do more, later. We'll see...But, of course, I know what Brandan told me, last night....... "Don't work yourself to"
"'Kay. Are we done, here?"
"I'm so sleepy..."
"3 more."
"Your accent's so thick, I could eat it with a spoon..."
"Why do I wish to have a snack...?"
"The gender identity section was the shortest they had, talking about rights regarding discrimination... Sad."
"^Nervous laughing... I....don't...."
"Each. Being pregnant doesn't particularly sound fun haha."
"Why doesn't age discrimination cover people younger than 40, though?"
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